Blogging with an iPad: Choosing a Browser, Theme and Widgets

This is a great How-to article on blogging on your iPad from Sue Waters at Edublogger. Sue has been kind enough to create a step-by-step guide. It is an easy to read and well presented explanation of some of the procedures for making your blogging experience quick and easy. Make sure you check out the rest of the blog as it is a great resource for technology integration, Web 2 tools and iPads in the classroom. Enjoy!

Blogging with an iPad:
My iPad is a significant part of my life.  It goes almost everywhere with me and is the one device I can’t live without for both work and leisure.

With more educators looking at iPads as a replacement for student laptops and netbooks, we’re regularly being asked for blogging tips using iPads.

So I’ve decided the best way to provide advice is build a new blog using just my iPad and post about it as I go!

Web browsers on the iPad

Read the full article:

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